Sunday, November 9, 2008

How to create an economic stimulus package

President Barack Obama in case you haven't noticed this IS your 911. You don't have another 2 months to wait. If you don't act now then by next week the headline will read,
"President Elect Obama
Now with 50% less hope"

By the time you take office a whole lot less people will care.

In case anyone is interested here is how to create an economic stimulus package. President Obama, gather 1,000 of the richest people in the country in a room and tell them that each of them has to cough up 1 year salary or 1% of their net worth to create jobs.

Tell them they have two choices and the decision has to made now. One, you could pull out your checkbooks and write a check equal to last years salary or pull out your keys and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Hey, if we don't have jobs we can't buy their crap now can we?

If they choose not to contribute to the economic recovery of our nation then they or their lobbyists will no longer have an audience in side the beltway. If their companies have been receiving subsidies in any form then that will stop on January 2nd. If they want a bailout of Billions for their banks, investment houses, insurance companies, coal and oil companies or auto companies then please inform their Boards of Directors, stockholders and the general public what the greedy bastards choice was.

This is really a 'are you for us or against us' moment.

Put their names on a web page and post in public whether they gave or not. Put your name first Mr. President with a check for $10 Million. Yes you could do that if the organization was used for charitable uses so you have no excuse not to lead the way and that is what you are to us isn't it? Our Leader? So lead already.

Start a non profit group/ website or use mine to create jobs through and have all money posted in public so we the people can see what's going on. Then have your government put up $50 Million to use for loans for those that save a house and live in it so they can start their own businesses. Think of how many jobs will be created by that second wave! Come on, do something.

Where is it written that you can't start acting like a leader? THINK! Dammit. Every month there are thousands of our citizens losing everything they worked for. They did the right things. They followed the rules and somewhere in this country, right now as you read this there is a great guy that loves his family, worked very hard, invested in 401Ks, 527's the stock market and trusted in the government to do it's job and is sitting behind his little desk in the study looking at his foreclosure notice and all the security he thought he had now gone and along with the that stack of papers saying what he isn't worth and the bills that have to be paid there stands a Bottle and in the top right hand draw of his desk there is a gun. If you would like to know his name and be introduced to his family just create a Google/news alert with the search term, foreclosure and suicide and you will get to meet his widow and kids. THAT is what defines a financial crisis. Still think it's OK to wait two months?

Please answer me/us this question if you will.

Do you know anybody that can create 300,000 paying jobs that give a house to each of those workers? Also, do it by recycling and without using tax dollars? Can Paul Volcker do it? You? Can all of your men and women put together do it?

Tom Canavan

Friday, November 7, 2008

President Obama getting bad advice

President Obama is already heading off in the wrong direction.

This morning on a TV interview Barack Obama economic advisor Lawrence Summers said, There is no silver bullet to this economic meltdown we are experiencing. I beg to differ. With thinking like that the stagnation will expand and nothing will get done. We are out of patience with this type of thinking. We are Americans, we invent silver bullets, we innovate, we imagine, we invent solutions, we are entrepreneurs.

Mr. Summers and others like him should do our new President a service and be quiet. As in, if you have nothing to say of a positive nature then shut the hell up.

With taking advice from advisers like these then I'll predict President Obama will very soon be thought of as impotent and ignorant as President Bush.

Do you people really think that the banks, mortgage houses, Wall st., auto manufacturers, Congress and the Fed can or will fix this? You're Effing kidding us right? Bush did it wrong and you are starting to do it wrong.

The only thing that will fix this economy is for you President Obama to give us common people something to do, hope for and believe in, not wait for. In case you folks haven't noticed we don't believe in any of the things I have listed above. We distrust them. THEY are not in business to help us. THEY are only in business to help themselves. WE do not understand nor can we wait for months and months for MAYBE one of these cockamamie ideas to produce questionable results. We already tried that. We do not care about economic indicators, stock markets or any number of alphabetic indicators you use as proof that something is happening. We need something real and we need it now.

The message I hear from you guys is for us to borrow more money from some bank? REALLY? That's what you are working on? You want us to borrow more? REALLY? Isn't that what got us into this mess in the first place?

President Obama. If you choose to keep doing the same stuff that hasn't worked before and are expecting a different result your popularity will be seen going down the toilet during your inauguration speech and I doubt it will ever recover.

I know you may think I am being premature in my cynicism but if all you are coming up with for a rescue package is creating road gangs to pave our way out of this then in this case I suggest that my cynicism is warranted.

As an American that doesn't have an MBA in anything and didn't graduate from Harvard I still offer my help in the form of The Benefactor Project. You could restore hope and create hundreds of thousands of jobs in 60 seconds if you wanted to try something different, something audacious.

Tom Canavan

Monday, August 18, 2008

If I were a Presidential Candidate

Let's say I was running for President and I was actually interested in being 'worthy' of voting for. (Important point) Instead of just having the money to annoy the general populice with unending nonsense TV commercials about what I would do if you gave me all the money in the national treasury. Which is what we are listening to now instead I would start acting Presidential now.

I would go to the website The Benefactor and employ the open source aspect of the project.

I would start being audacious now, not someday. I would ask for all the houses this particular State is going to demolish, then I would announce that I will be creating jobs and giving away free houses at every whistlestop I'll be making on the way to the White House.

Then I would contact every person running for public office in that state that belongs to my party. Have those people standing beside me at the podium. Point to them and tell the crowd. If you want a job and a free house please stop by Mr. or Ms. So and So office and get your name on the list and register to vote. ( Note to Candidates, Who do you think these people are going to vote for?)

Talking points note: Environment, reduction in tax burden, jobs creation, cap and trade, hope, green, help for Veterans, the number of small businesses created by the financially secure beneficiaries of this effort, help for heads of homeless households, not outsourceable, reduce crime by offering opportunties to ex offenders and underprivilaged inner city young men or women, stabilization of houseing market, increase in equity savings acounts, reduction of national debt. etc. etc. etc.

I wonder how many on the staffs of the two presidential candidates can create thousands of jobs overnight?

On a humorous side, it would be funny to see the Candidates get asked about this proposal and see how they squirm and avoid actually doing something worthwhile. Oh well, you folks don't really believe these guys have any intention of keeping campaign promises or helping us or care about us do you? Making you think they are doing their job without doing anything is their job.

and that is the "America" con job.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Are philanthropists stupid?

There is a new trend in philanthropy that baffles me. Why do philanthropic efforts always design themselves to NOT curing the problem and insist the effort cost so much to NOT carry the mission out?

Which leads me to this question. Is Bill Gates, Oprah, Google and others like them really really stupid people and organizations? Why isn't there a simple question asked when on the subject on where a person puts there money? That question is,

Will this money cure the problem or simply sustain it?

I challenge anyone to find one example where philanthropic money cured the problem it was supposed to. Or aren't they designed to cure the problem? You are not curing the problem of a starving child anywhere on the planet by feeding it.

Google now has "new" idea they are self aggrandizing and trotting out and that is they want to make a profit off of poor people or they won't help you. In the old days that was called, greed or business as usual, What the fuck is that?

Two people I would like to point out as doing the right thing for the right reasons at the right price to "cure" a problem are,

Ron Hunter, a college basketball coach in Indianapolis, went barefoot during a game on Thursday night to raise awareness for needy children in Africa. The move inspired donations of 110,000 pairs of shoes for a charitable organization.

I put a challenge out there for all so called philanthropists.

Put up two million dollars, all accounting has to be in public view, you use one anyway you want and I'll use one to run The Benefactor Project and give you the million back and let's see who cures the most poverty stricken people in America.

Tom Canavan
The Benefactor Project

Friday, December 7, 2007

Ignore Historic Preservationists

Please ignore historic preservationists when it comes to what a person can or cannot do with a house they own. If you or your organization is involved with developing a project and the historic preservationists are telling you, you can't do it because some old house is in the way then contact us.

Don't help Habitat for Humanity

Stop giving money to Habitat for Humanity. If you want to help poor people in this country reach homeownership then contribute to The Benefactor Project instead.

Monday, October 15, 2007

To Paul Krugman, NY Times, posted on his blog

Dear Mr. Krugman, or should I say "dog whistler".

I see by the sycophantic responses on this page that's what you and those that listen to you are.

Are you a greedy person like those CEOs you refer to or are you more like Reagan in the way you talk about income inequality just to fill your coffers with a book about income inequality? Very very clever of you to try to sell a book about problems you have no idea how to fix and try to blame it on the other guy. Isn't that what Republicans do all the time? How are you different from Carl Rove? George Bush? Is your answer to all of this inequality stuff, let's elect a Democrat when in the same breath you admit that lobbying firms pretty much are running everything as it is?

I listened to you on Diane Remes Show and didn't hear anything by way of actually solving the problem other than an old echo from Dr. Phil saying, "Buy My Book."
If you're so smart why don't you think of something to even things out in the income equality arena and make the liberals look like they actually have an answer to at least one problem so there would be a real reason to vote for these guys or gal?

Basically I'm sick to death of people like you telling people like me who is responsible for my lot in life and providing no possibility of hope or opportunity, so here is what I am going to do. I'll give you a secret that will allow you to give
each and every year to our poor and disadvantaged and let's just see if you mean what you say or prove once and for all that you are as full of it as any "Conservative Christian Republican."

You are going to need three things,
1. A half assed carpenter
2. A Million Dollars
3. The Benefactor

The conditions;
a. You have to give the 35,000 houses I mention away. You may sell some on the open market so that the profits go to hiring, training and giving more houses to more people. (The $8 Billion is what you get when you recycle 35,000 homes multiplied by the median value of the houses, about $225,000.00 right now.)
b. You have to PAY the people you partner with. No slave labor.
c. You have to give the homes outright, NO right of first refusal.
d. You also have to hire ex offenders.
e. They are not required to come up with down payments.
f.You can only help people living near or below the poverty line to include any Veterans that ask to be hired.
g. You don't have to contact me or acknowledge me in any way.
h. You can make your own money off of selling commercials on the webcasts.
e. All money paid to 'administration' personnel has to be out in the public on the website and they in turn have had to have experienced poverty at one time or another.
e. You must contact all of the Democrats that claim they want to be our President and give them the ultimatum I've giving you now. I already have and have received their responses to creating opportunities for the poor to be taken out of poverty. I just want you to verify their lack of interest in their claims of wanting to help the people needing help.
f. If you don't do this you can never talk about income inequality, poverty, Veterans needing jobs, the homeless, carbon offsets, global warming, Republicans lack of compassion, victims of storms or their insurance companies because after you read this by the next time you open your mouth to point these things out YOU will be the reason they exist.

I suggest you put in $250,000.00 you get off of the sale of your book and go to your rolodex and call Senator Clinton, Senator Obama and Senator Edwards and have them do the same with some of the millions they already have and are going to be spending to nauseate us with a never ending parade of drivilous commercials making promises they have no intention or even control over keeping.

I'll post this along with your response, if there is one, on my blog.
Or I will watch enthusiastically along with millions of others how you liberals got together and are now doing something you claim to want to do.

Sincerely Yours,
Tom Canavan
The Benefactor