Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Democrat Candidates Proposal

Dear Honorable Madam and Sirs,

In America we have some problems you people seem to want us to think you care a great deal about. I am wondering if any of you will actually do anything about them even if I show you how.

Let's start with this. My contribution. I found this out in the course of my work. I've done this before.

In this country we demolish over 300,000 houses a year. The median (average) house costs $225,000.00. Multiply those two numbers together and we get $67,500,000,000.00 (That's Billion). So many wasted opportunities. I can and will, if you will do your part, create paying jobs, dismantle these houses into panels, move, rebuild and give those houses away to our poorest citizens including every one that we hire. The major condition for the people we help is that they do the work of recycling those houses. I'll teach them how. It's pretty easy.

That's it! Recycle what we throw away, create real home ownership opportunities, help the poorest, teach skills, reduce tax burdens, increase tax revenue, slow global warming and help the environment. Not to mention create credibility in what is the lowest rated organization in our country, yours.

What's required:
The information on my website.
One half assed carpenter.
A Million Dollars from each of you.

You are the rich, we are the poor. They/You call this the land of opportunity. Wouldn't it be better described as the land of outsourced jobs? The land of, do you want fries with that? Press 7 if you want to hear this menu again? What kind of a con job are you people trying to pull on us by saying we are a service oriented economy now and expecting us to nod dumbly and expect that to be OK? Is this your grand scheme? And who is getting better service from anything? We need to innovate, we need to create opportunities.

The point I'm getting to here is we are getting sick of the situation and we're not going to take it anymore. We use to be a really great country, I don't think we are anymore. You people, Congress, give yourselves raises with our money, are you kidding me? Did you do anything that warranted you giving yourselves raises at our expense? In my opinion you really are nothing more than white collar welfare recipients. We pay you huge sums of money, for what? How does it feel to be thought of as less than any other group of shysters in the country and some of you want to be our President?

We are oh so sick of false promises. Thanks to our present Congress and President NONE of you are left with much credibility. It seems at best you only cause division, harm, stalemates and retrogression. We see how the game is played. No matter what the Democrats propose the President will veto it to SPITE the Democrats. And eventually vice versa. You can't do the right thing unless you control the White House and both houses of Congress. And you can't do that unless you show us you deserve it. I think we the people are longing for that change. But you have to start doing the right thing now, before we elect you. Everything you say you are going to do IF we elect you is just another one of the three most famous lies we all know about which now has grown to four with the addition of, "Iraq had something to with 9/11."

To put it more plainly,
Prove to us you're worth it. Show us. Redeem yourselves.

In this, the so called greatest country on earth, too many of us aren't good enough to do so many things unless we are white, anglo-saxon, male, protestant and rich.

So here is my little proposal on how you may help the poorest of this country BEFORE we elect you to office where your first item on your agendas always seems to be to forget about us.

Each of you write a check for $1,000,000.00
Pay to the order of, The Benefactor Project
Hand that check to YOUR lawyer and tell her or him to call me.
After we get the non-profit paperwork done. I will then start hiring crews of 10 of our poorest that are willing to work for their own houses and go around the country getting houses other people want taken out of their way. (Like golfer Tiger Woods for example. Ask him why that golf course isn't progressing in Asheville NC.)
I hire ten crews of Katrina victims to replace their own as well as their neighbors homes free.
I sell some of the other houses we move on the open market to create self sustaining income. For each million dollars I can use I can recycle about 40 houses.

You Democrats pay for the cost of incorporation and non profit status out of your own pockets.
Only those that write the million dollar checks are allowed on the board along with the people we partner with.
There will be offices in each individual state.
In two years your tenure on the board ends and your positions will be taken over by the people you help.

What will I do if you decide to work in your own best interest? I know I'm only one guy with one small idea but think of the exponential possibilities when together we remove the life crushing burden of poverty from thousands of people? What could they accomplish in the future? Think of the companies they could open, the solutions to other problems they will come up with that you or I am not capable of solving. Want to cure world hunger? How about creating more people that can afford to contribute to that cause?

Together we'll make $8 Billion Dollars worth of homes and opportunities available to the poorest of the American people, every year, now.

I'll teach them what I know.
With your help we'll provide tools, housing, clothes, food, transportation, computers, comp. and lia.ins.
Help with parole and probation officers if need be, advice and support on pressing financial matters.
I'll produce the web cast to show all the others that I can't hire yet what to do. (See website.)
My real salary will come from the proceeds from the web cast.

I'm looking for sponsors and co hostesses now if you're interested.

Even the lawyers and accountants we work with will have been Katrina victims or people in similar situations or maybe a bit of pro bono work .
Some of the people I hire will do the day to day paperwork, answer phones, tell you I'm not there, so that even if a person can't do construction work they will still be able to contribute and get out of poverty and get their own free house.
None of you can take any money out of this project. No expenses paid out to you either. I am not paying for the gas in Air Force One so you can drop by for a visit. Remember, you're the rich we're the poor. You will benefit though. We the people will actually start thinking you aren't all worthless drains on the taxes we pay. You will very likely get a Democrat run House, Senate and Presidency out of the deal, this time. But don't get too comfortable.

All money coming in and going out will be in public on the website in plain English so that even I can understand it.

All of this money will be used to partner with our veterans, ex offenders, African Americans, those living near or below the poverty line, storm victims that are getting screwed over by insurance companies women in abuse centers good decent people that got royally done over when companies like Enron and World Com and others that took everything they had and left them out on the sidewalk.
Blacks that are getting screwed over by everybody.
Anyone that is in dire straights financially and are willing to work and help others. Single Moms Single Dads
I will hire/partner (if you decide to work with me) with anyone that comes forward asking for help to recycle entire houses as long as they will work and stay free of crime, alcohol and drugs.

What will that do?

Put over $8 Billion Dollars into the national economy EVERY YEAR that is being thrown away as you read this. (Google alerts, demolish)
Take thousands off of public assistance.
Reduce the tax burden on the middle class.
Put families back together or help to keep them together.
Create thousands of people that OWN their own homes. Not owe on the banks homes.
Reduce crime by making trained experienced homeowners and trades people out of people that will likely commit crimes again or stay on public assistance their whole lives.
Negate the need to cut down 3 and 1/2 million trees a year.
Reduce the growth of landfills.
Save taxes in every big and little town that needs to demolish abandoned houses for fear of law suits.
Create the opportunity to have these new homeowners start their own businesses and create thousands more jobs after I turn them loose in two or three years or to hopefully take my place and teach thousands of others to do what I teach them.
Save States and the Federal government millions upon millions of tax dollars that is now being wasted trying to teach ex offenders how to wash dishes in a hotel. What the hell is that anyway?
Save millions of tax dollars now keeping people in poverty with food stamps.
Save millions of tax dollars on health insurance because people will be able to buy their own.
Save millions of tax dollars we now give to very inefficient so called charities that barely help the people they say they are in business to help but are really in business to pay themselves millions of tax and donated money.
Allow Tiger Woods to build a golf course in North Carolina. (hey Tiger I know a Republican Senator that would like to carry your bag, hell, I couldn't resist.)

In short, create optimism, hope and opportunities.

Every person that partners with this project will get a weekly pay check and will get a free house of their own without slave labor, deposits or mortgages.
Some of the houses we recycle will be sold on the open market to create self sustaining income to continue and expand this project.

In your best interest.
Now think of how this effort will reflect on you. Picture a web cast series, which everyone will tune into, explaining and showing how people can get free houses for themselves with a big sign in the background saying,
These homes provided free of charge by the generosity of Senator, Congressperson, VP. YOU.

Who do you think people are going to vote for?

or someone with empty promises and scare tactics that makes up lies to go to a war with a country that never did anything to us, get our kids and parents killed or a person that puts their money where their mouth is and creates the opportunity to give away free houses and helps people? Y'All talk about bridging the gap between rich and poor well here's your chance.

So let's say Senators Clinton, Obama, and Edwards and VP Gore step up and do the right thing. Which do we vote for? By then all of you will be WORTHY of being our President so we will have to go back to the tried and true measure of picking a candidate. The real bones of the person. The bigger issues.
On the plus side there is Edwards hair, simply the best, there is Senator Clinton's cleavage is right up there but that might be tied with Gores cleavage at this stage and Senator Obama is really very very clean, I'm not sure what that means though. While we weigh these issues to decide which of you is best for the job how about you act Presidential now and we start pulling this country back together. Oh and please don't any of you say macaca or get caught being a hypocrite by hanging around airport bathrooms. Are all Republicans like that? I'm beginning to think they are. Every time I see one now I think 'men's bathrooms'. Funny, Republicans Senators giving gays a bad name.

I mentioned Congressional Republicans in this proposal. It should by now be quite clear to everyone except a few xenophobic, homophobic, racist, sexist, elitist, religious extremists (our Taliban) that an elected Republican will never help a female (or is it fe-person now, damn political correctness) American, a poor person, an old person, a black person, a brown person, a veteran, a gay or lesbian or even a storm victim if they can possibly help it so why waste my breath?
Ah Hell, in the fairness of equal opportunity if one of "you people" decides to do the right thing we will use your million dollars to hire train and give homes to inner city black ex offender atheistic lesbian gang members that want to get out of that life style and become heterosexual bigoted racist, sexist white fe-males, you know, "you people", how about that? Sound good? You do want to reach out and show what compassionate conservatives you really are, don't you? Ho now, let's not all rush me at once. If you really want to distance yourself from those others you might want to stop by and buy a pumpkin from me. See, 'about me'.

I think now that most of us have had enough of this crap. I would like to make it very clear to all of our elected representatives that YOUR jobs are now in jeopardy. This cycle, if I have anything to do with it, the Republicans are going to be outsourced and if the Democrats don't listen to us and do the right thing by us then "you people" will be outsourced. It's called job insecurity, how's it feel?

Anyone notice we aren't The "United" States of Anything anymore? This is my little effort to try and change that. You Republicans have to give up your hateful ways. Beating good people over the heads with Bibles and our Flag isn't cutting it anymore. Anyone here about the meeting of Republican Governors trying to distance themselves from federal level Republicans. Need I say more? Quit fighting with each other we're sick of that too.

What did you just read? An ultimatum? An option? A suggestion? I'm asking you to prove to us that you are good enough to be our President. A real AMERICAN President this time. With our interests at heart.

I just gave the poor people in this country that are willing to stay clean and do a little carpentry an $8 Billion dollar a year gift.
I just gave every Democratic Presidential candidate the opportunity for Billions of dollars worth of free positive publicity.
I've given a way for the rich to help the poor.
I've given you a way to reduce global warming and save the need to cut down 3 and 1/2 million trees a year.
I've just given you a way to reduce crime and lower recidivism in this country.
I have given you a way to increase our tax base and lowered our tax obligation by showing you a way to take people off public tax roles and make them tax paying homeowners.
I have saved each of you millions in campaign ads costs. You call them campaign ads, I call them what they are, bait and switch commercials.
I have provided for each of you a verifiable, honest open answer to what you claim you want to do.

Please don't misunderstand about my remarks about people of faith in this country. These very good people who jumped to the front of the line when the Katrina victims needed food and water. They do that every day.They are good people. My problem is with the elected elitists that claim to have a mandate by their God to diminish the existence and importance of women, the poor and the minorities in this country. I guess they never read that bit in Matthew 25:40 when they got reborn. It obvious to me anyway they just use Jesus and religion as a marketing tool to get elected because they sure don't live like it after.

Even if the new 'those people' decide they don't want to help us the offer is still there from me. Go to my website for more details if you're interested, The Benefactor Project (.com) It's free, no sign ins and no passwords required. I have done what I explain on the site. It takes some work but you can get a house out of the deal if you take my advice. You could try and qualify for a thirty year mortgage or work weekends for one year and accomplish the same thing.

If you are just a regular person and want to help me raise money to do this without the help of our Elites there is a PayPal button there to contribute with. As I said everyone that donates will be listed and their amounts and as I've said all money will go to recycle houses and get people out of poverty.

I've made an offer. What's next is up to you. Will it be Change, Hope, Opportunity or more of the same? This can start right now and show results immediately.

Selfishly, I do hope to get back to work and get my own house out of this deal.
Read the About me thing.
If you want to take advantage of this opportunity and get a job and your own house please visit the website read it and then if you have any questions, Post them in public on my message board, I'll answer them there. That includes all questions from the media. Be civil.

My qualifications:
I came up with this idea.
I have done this before.
I'm willing to do it now.

Next blog posts, Letters to, the Corporations, Billionaires, Celebrities, Professional Sports figures, Wealthy African Americans, Wealthy women, The talking heads, insurance companies.
We have 50 states, I intend to open offices in every one of them so get out your check books. If things work out with your help We'll invest in and open employee owned companies, that can't be outsourced, in every state unrelated to this project.

What you can do. As you attend the candidates public appearances and you get to ask a question ask them if they have seen this proposal and what they intend to do about it.

Not surprisingly, In this country nowadays everyone thinks everything is a scam of some sort. There will be those that think there must be a catch to this so I offer you my scam proof guarantee.
DON'T partner with me.
Do it yourself.

Tom Canavan
No, I am not the sports writer or the World Trade Center survivor.

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