Monday, October 15, 2007

To Paul Krugman, NY Times, posted on his blog

Dear Mr. Krugman, or should I say "dog whistler".

I see by the sycophantic responses on this page that's what you and those that listen to you are.

Are you a greedy person like those CEOs you refer to or are you more like Reagan in the way you talk about income inequality just to fill your coffers with a book about income inequality? Very very clever of you to try to sell a book about problems you have no idea how to fix and try to blame it on the other guy. Isn't that what Republicans do all the time? How are you different from Carl Rove? George Bush? Is your answer to all of this inequality stuff, let's elect a Democrat when in the same breath you admit that lobbying firms pretty much are running everything as it is?

I listened to you on Diane Remes Show and didn't hear anything by way of actually solving the problem other than an old echo from Dr. Phil saying, "Buy My Book."
If you're so smart why don't you think of something to even things out in the income equality arena and make the liberals look like they actually have an answer to at least one problem so there would be a real reason to vote for these guys or gal?

Basically I'm sick to death of people like you telling people like me who is responsible for my lot in life and providing no possibility of hope or opportunity, so here is what I am going to do. I'll give you a secret that will allow you to give
each and every year to our poor and disadvantaged and let's just see if you mean what you say or prove once and for all that you are as full of it as any "Conservative Christian Republican."

You are going to need three things,
1. A half assed carpenter
2. A Million Dollars
3. The Benefactor

The conditions;
a. You have to give the 35,000 houses I mention away. You may sell some on the open market so that the profits go to hiring, training and giving more houses to more people. (The $8 Billion is what you get when you recycle 35,000 homes multiplied by the median value of the houses, about $225,000.00 right now.)
b. You have to PAY the people you partner with. No slave labor.
c. You have to give the homes outright, NO right of first refusal.
d. You also have to hire ex offenders.
e. They are not required to come up with down payments.
f.You can only help people living near or below the poverty line to include any Veterans that ask to be hired.
g. You don't have to contact me or acknowledge me in any way.
h. You can make your own money off of selling commercials on the webcasts.
e. All money paid to 'administration' personnel has to be out in the public on the website and they in turn have had to have experienced poverty at one time or another.
e. You must contact all of the Democrats that claim they want to be our President and give them the ultimatum I've giving you now. I already have and have received their responses to creating opportunities for the poor to be taken out of poverty. I just want you to verify their lack of interest in their claims of wanting to help the people needing help.
f. If you don't do this you can never talk about income inequality, poverty, Veterans needing jobs, the homeless, carbon offsets, global warming, Republicans lack of compassion, victims of storms or their insurance companies because after you read this by the next time you open your mouth to point these things out YOU will be the reason they exist.

I suggest you put in $250,000.00 you get off of the sale of your book and go to your rolodex and call Senator Clinton, Senator Obama and Senator Edwards and have them do the same with some of the millions they already have and are going to be spending to nauseate us with a never ending parade of drivilous commercials making promises they have no intention or even control over keeping.

I'll post this along with your response, if there is one, on my blog.
Or I will watch enthusiastically along with millions of others how you liberals got together and are now doing something you claim to want to do.

Sincerely Yours,
Tom Canavan
The Benefactor


Anonymous said...



Gee, let me guess? No response??

Anonbene said...

Thanks Shelley, No, no response. I'm so pissed off about just how much people like to talk about problems yet not do anything about them. I think I published your comment, I'm new to this blogging thing. Thanks for visiting. If you have any suggestions for making mischief let me know.

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