Sunday, September 30, 2007

Useful Carbon Offsets

I've heard enough of what's wrong with every idea about how to improve things here in America so may I submit my proposal for your consideration.

Instead of reforestation why not, not cut down the forests in the first place? We here in America can surely come up with better ideas than what we have heard so far can't we? I know my little contribution won't turn things around completely but it helps in ways that ripple and are exponential.

May I suggest a more effective use of your carbon offsets money than paying some middle man to plant 6" trees in Africa?

My offer: If you will buy your carbon offsets from The Benefactor Project I'll put $8 Billion dollars into the American economy that we have been throwing away by recycling entire houses that are now going to landfills.

Simply put, if you are going to demolish a perfectly good house for whatever reason then save yourself the cost of that demolition and give the houses to us.

I'll hire our Veterans, Katrina victims, ex offenders and people living at or below the poverty line to panelize the houses, move them, rebuild and restore them and GIVE them to to those that work with me and our nations poorest. I do intend to sell some of them on the open market at reduced rates to create profits to be able to hire more people and give more houses away.

Each year in America we demolish about 35,000 houses. If you multiply that number by the median cost of a house the number comes out to about $8 Billion. That's not a one time thing, that's each year.

The average house takes about 100 full grown trees to make. Now multiply that number by 35,000 and you get 3 and 1/2 million trees we wouldn't need cut done in the first place.

The opportunity we'll provide will not only take our poorest and our Veterans out of dire straights but make them financially secure citizens. Designed into this project is instructions on the use of computers, money, all of the residential trades, real estate and the one thing this country seems to be in short supply of and in incredible need of.

Opportunity to get out of poverty.

Think exponentially. Consider what a person can accomplish when the soul sucking weight of poverty is lifted from their shoulders? Think of the businesses they can start and the people they can hire and the ability to buy whatever it is you sell.

If you are part of a corporation that desires to buy carbon offsets then partner with The Benefactor Project and really do some good.

All of the money raised from this effort will be and remain on the site and be public. All of the money raised will go to directly helping those I've mentioned.

Can this be a scam? No, anyone can do this now, today, without further contact from me by following the advice on my website. It's free, no passwords, no sign ins, no credit cards required, no books or tapes to buy.

I do intend to create a web cast series (looking for multi lingual co-hostesses now) showing how we do what we do so that everyone can learn and benefit from what I have learned and that will be pay per view but that money also goes to helping the project along and to pay for costs of production but you do not have to watch that because as I said it's all written there for anyone to see. Others are have done it and are doing it now.

My carbon offsets cost $25,000.00 per unit. That is the average cost of labor to recycle one house.

Sincerely Yours,
Tom Canavan
The Benefactor Project (.com)

PS. In case you haven't noticed just by posting this blog entry I gave away $8 Billion dollars.
Next up, the Democrat candidates ultimatum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think what you are doing is incredible. I wish you the best of the luck. I think for philanthropic endeavors we need people committed to action and getting it done.

Good luck!